The idea of Social street was born as a result of the facebook group Residents in Via Fondazza – Bologna, the first social street in Italy. My idea was simple, to try to feel at “home” in the city not only staying inside my house but living, as part of the the street and environment around me.
All this started thanks to my child because having family who live far away my child always played alone but i knew that in the street there were other children around the same age as him, but i did not know how to get in contact with these other families, my neighbours.
My target was to merely socialize, not for specific reasons, to get to know each other, to share our knowledge, necessities, ideas, projects. To do that I did not want to create another digital platform because the target was not to improve the exising online experience but to bypass the “virtual to the real(ity)” (our slogan is “from virtual to the real to the virtuous”).
From this simple idea is born the “philosopy” social street based on the construction of infinite relationships, where the “engine” of all is free share, there is no economics and no politics involved in social street.
we have been conditioned to think that the rules of society is based on “do ut des”, nobody does anything for nothing, but it just so happens that in social street this “nothing” has a big social value for social street because it is the base for recreating a sense of community inside a street.
Anthnoy Giddens (former director London School of Economics)
“It is a really interesting project and I’d be happy to endorse it. Be careful of halo effect though, which can produce misleading results. Best wishes.”
Robert Putnam (Professor of Public Policy at the Harvard University)
“Social Street is one of the most promising innovations I know of to use Internet technology to rebuild real community.”
Marc Augé (antropologo francese)
“it is a great social project. Good luck”
Jacques T. Godbout (professeur émérite en sociologie Université du Québec)
“A very interesting social project. You have my support”
Serena Dandini (italian tv presenter and radio speaker)
“Social street is a wonderful thing that maybe it doesn’t help to increase Gnp but it helps to live better”
(9 october 2014, “Stai Serena”, Radio 2